Me And God (Episode No.1)

Published from Blogger Prime Android AppMe and GOD
Writer: Taimoor Ajmal

(Me and God is a novel in which only the characters are imaginary but  events and situations are derived from the real world, a novel that will take you to the sea of wonders. It will resolve the unsolved puzzles.
It will shake the pillars of thought from a hut to the palace. Through love, passion, peace, and rebellion it will take you to the new world. It will force you not to think but to act upon it. You will have to hear bitter words in it, but at the end of the novel everything will be clear to you. Criticism is your right but you cant issue a decree until i clear my point. Share it as much as you can but not by stealing my hardwork but by encouraging me.)

Episode No. 1

(Scene 1)

Suddenly darkness fell infront of my eyes.  But the light returned as fast as if it had never gone back. After a little restoration, I realized that the bus in which i was riding had now been involved in an accident and at the same time i felt a slight tingling sensation, but the fire  As soon as i heard the sound, there was a strange movement in my body and all the passengers who were trying to get out of the bus were probably blind who could only see themselves Maybe God was showing us a glimpse of the Doomsday or the punishment for a sin but no there was also a good deeds, then why the punishment (of sins) instead of Reward (for good deeds) But no, it was probably not a punishment for sin, nor was it a strong defense in goodness. until now, my life was spent in doubt about their existance (sins & goodness). But don't know why these were taking over my mind today? Perhaps this was the effect of the voices of passengers who were constantly calling to their God. But i also heard that what happens is by the will of God, so why were they calling on him Knowingly? He(God) probably did it all, did he just want to hear their cries or did he just want to make his presence felt? But why does he  makes us realize his presence by giving us hardships. there Maybe other ways. It might be the  drive's fault. But why it  happened today? Why we were punished because of his fault ? How we handed over our lives to him But he didn't force us to do it. We handed our Lives to him with our own will . But........ Suddenly there is an explosion voice raise. Then the eyes begin to close, feeling a strange calm.

(Scene 2)

The train is moving towards the destination at full speed, Moonlight night with deep silence making it more attractive. Suddenly hearing someone's voice he came out from the world of imagination.
Brother! "Take care of your fallen mobile phone, otherwise someone will pick it up" and after saying this, he went to the front seat. He thanked him with a slight smile and later he kept looking at this person with execuses, maybe it was something strange in his getup. What bothered him was how could this man be so honest despite his strange appearance?
And then he went to the valleys of sleep thinking about that why Every God of the World give rewards only on Goodness Even though he has invented sin's(evil), when a servant (men) does evil why is the property of Iblis or Satan revealed to him? Does God's power weaken then? Or they both have equal power? Sometimes God wines and sometimes Satan. Whoever wins owns it. Or are God and Satan two different names for the same being? Who has labeled various movements if you do something good then God is ruling over you and if you do something bad then satan is ruling over you , or is it all just a game of human thinking?

(Scene 3)

He was very happy in his Heart sitting in these beautiful mountains that i have loved the  God's creature, now i will receive the love of God But beacuse of the sudden sound of Gunfire and the raising pain in his body, he comes out of the world of these thoughts. This is the only sound he can hear after that: "Come on! Let's go, he will die, if anyone sees us, it will be problem for us."

The voices were gone but now a scream had started inside him. He was asking the question to God that you were watching everything and i just wanted to reach you, to whom society called them your Saints(wali/Peer). They told me that the only way to reach God is through his creation. 
Oh God!!!! Isn't women your creation? I went to love creatures, you instilled the love of a women in my heart, you are the controller of heart or not? You know that my love is pure, maybe you don't even know it? You are Even closer to the aorta or is it just a consolation given by a wise man to give hope yo the weak? If you knew, why would all this happen? Maybe you have choosen some servents (men) whom you only want to love from them to their race? Why did you make this distinction? Rather, your demand from us human beings is for justice and equality.

(Scene 4)

He was very careful with his gun slung over his shoulder. Suddenly he felt a commotion in the bushes infront of him and he fired a  shot  and a voice came from the front "O God!!". The soldier again fired and now from the front there was a complete and deep silence.
He was also ready to pile the enemy again.But after that he gone to a deep thought that why should it fight behind/for the religion? 
I rememberd God when i shot the bullet. Whom i shot he Also remembered God. But maybe God likes my religion that's why God has not saved him on his call or maybe we both were on wrong religion, God was with someone else's religion. Therefore God leave this decision on the basis of ''who has power will rule". But why doesn't God come forward (infront of world) and sort out this matter or he likes this massacre. If a person of One religion dies at the hands of a person of another religion, his fellow religionists call him a martyr and non- religionists call him a hellish person. Eeither the dead of all religions are Martyrs or all of them are hellish or is human just doing all this in his stupidity or by using the name of God, the wise men using all humanity to achieve their goals from centuries. And it's mind-building continues for a sacred religious purpose and who becomes a wise and raise question on this holy religious goal is killed, as they declared him infidel(kafir). Maybe this is the world of infidels. Here, a believer of one religion says infidel to the believer of other religion. And the believer of other religion says infidel to others religion person. Even the circle of infidels goes on and on like this world which is rotating in a circle.
Suddenly firing starts from cross-border and he engages in response to the firing.

(Scene 5) 

He embraced chieftain (Sardar) of the tribe and he was continously crying. Chieftain was repeatedly saying him the same thing that "son revenge is our right". Once we are done with the burial we will take our revenge. 
He came back to home after burying his father and two young brothers. Today he was full of displaced. Because his half-family had already been died in bomb blast. And the left one's was killed by the soldier of state Army today. It was just told  by chieftain that they were killed while fighting for thier rights. The right which God gave them. And their religion fellows took their right from them.
Suddenly he scream while thinking about that whole Matter which happend with him.
Oooo God!!!!!! Why this deception ?????
On one hand, you said fight for your right and on other hand if we fight for our right. They declare us Rebel and then kill us using your (God) religion references. 
There is no existance of God. Now i understand the game of a wise men which he played to save his empire. Yes i understand everything that why he(wise men) gave concept of doomsday. So that oppressed never becomes powerful by rebelling. Everyone just give this hope to people like us that God will give Justice in the Hour(doomsday).
Now he had a strange smile on his face. In which the tears of the died were hidden but they were very dim. His smile was more stronger as he has known all the secrets of the universe.

(To be continued....)


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