Me And God (Episode No.5)

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Me and God
Writer: Taimoor Ajmal

(Me and God is a novel in which only the characters are imaginary but events and situations are derived from the real world, a novel that will take you to the sea of wonders. It will resolve the unsolved puzzles.
It will shake the pillars of thought from a hut to the palace. Through love, passion, peace, and rebellion it will take you to the new world. It will force you not to think but to act upon it. You will have to hear bitter words in it, but at the end of the novel, everything will be clear to you. Criticism is your right but you can't issue a decree until I clear my point. Share it as much as you can but not by stealing my hard work but by encouraging me.)

Episode No.5

(Scene 1)

As soon as this question came, He asked himself, "Can I see the signal? Can I see Ghost? Can I see a thing standing 1000 km away? No, but why?"

To get the answer, he first tried to understand the structure of the human eye from science. He was reading an article in which he wrote:

"The resolution of the human eye is not 576 megapixels. The structure of the human eye differs from that of the camera, although the basic principles of making an image from light are used in both camera and eye. Modern digital cameras have image sensors that have millions of pixels and all the pixels are the same. In contrast, the eye does not have pixels, but rather light-detecting cells of different types. Taken together, the human eye has about 120 million cells that can detect light. The number and density of these cells are very high in the middle of the retina (called the fovea), but if you go a little farther from its center, the number of these cells decreases. Only about six million of these cells (called cones) can detect colors, and less than one million of these cells can detect blue photons. It is said that more than 110 million cells (called rods) can only detect white light but cannot see colors. Only cones can work in daylight. Rods become saturated in so much light and do not work. So we can say that the resolution of the eye during the day is only 6 million or 6 megapixels but during the day the eye can see different colors very well. In low light the resolution of the eye increases but then it cannot see the color. That's why we can't see the color when the light is dimmed immediately.

But eye problems do not end there. Between the lens of the eye and the retina are the blood vessels and nerves that transmit the image formed on the retina to the brain in electrical waves. Think of them as eye wiring. As if the wiring of your eyes is a barrier between the lens of the eye and the retina of the eye and prevents the formation of a better image on the retina. In contrast, in modern camera sensors, the wiring is behind the sensor so that the beam rays can focus on the sensor. In the eyes of some animals, this wiring is behind sensors, including the octopus and its close relatives. That's why octopuses have very sharp eyes.

(Scene 2)

He boarded the train back from the same station And by chance he met Mr. Aqil again. He told his whole story to Aqil Sahib(respectful). Aqil Sahib laughed and said, "It is my good fortune that I will be your guide in this excellent journey."Let's go to the canteen, have some tea and start our journey.

Aqil: Look, you have to understand religions first. Son, religions are categorized as Semitic and non-Semitic and then non-Semitic religions as Aryan and non-Aryan religions.

The Semitic religions are the religions that were revealed to the Semitic people. According to the Bible, Shem(سام) is the name of Prophet Noah's son. Whose race is called Shemi(سامی)۔The Semitic religions, therefore, refer to the religions revealed to the Jews, Arabs, Assyrians, and Phoenicians (the ancient inhabitants of the southeastern shores of the Mediterranean who invented the alphabet), etc.

Let me tell you about non-Semitic religions.

Non-Semitic religions are further divided into two categories.

1. Aryan
2. 2. Non-Aryan

Aryan religions refer to the religions that appeared in them. The Aryans are called the powerful tribes who spoke Indo-European languages and spread to different regions from Iran and Northern India from 2000 to 1500 BC.

Aryan religions are further subdivided into Vedic and non-Vedic religions.

1. The Vedic religion is called Hinduism or Brahmanism.

2. Non-Vedic includes Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism, almost all Aryan religions are non-prophetic, Zoroastrianism is an Aryan non-Vedic religion that has nothing to do with with with Hinduism and claims to be prophetic. 

Now let me tell you about non-Aryan religions, They started in different areas. Confucianism and Taoism appeared in China, while Shintoism appeared in Japan. Many non-Aryan religions do not have the concept of God.

This is the definition of religion. Now I will explain to you what is the concept of God in Hinduism.

(Scene 3)

Saleema: Ammar, look at that deer, this will be our breakfast today. Go, Ammar, hunt, and bring.

Ammar looked at Saleema's face in surprise, wondering how I could hunt this deer with empty hands.

Ammar: How do I hunt it?

Saleema: So let me teach you how to hunt. Look at the two deer in front of you. One is in perfect condition and the other is slightly injured. Which of these is the easiest prey?

Ammar: the one who is injured is easy.

Saleema: so son understands this rule. The injured is not easy, nor the one who is in the right condition is easy, the injured is careful and the one who is in the right condition is smart and full of energy. But they also have weaknesses, which are love and pride.

Ammar: how? 

Saleema: When you show love to an injured person, he will treat you as an ointment and when he treats you as an ointment, you can easily hunt him down. And the one who is in the right condition will want to fight in the pride of his physical strength, power, and intellect. Don't fight, just bend over and accept obedience, then he will consider you weak. You take advantage of the opportunity to trap it and hollow it, it will be very badly caught in the trap of its pride, then you can easily hunt it. But remember, these two things will not happen in a person at the same time, if he is injured then pride will disappear and pride never stands based on the wound.

Now they had hunted deer and made it their breakfast.

Saleema: You know those two deer were my characters.

Ammar surprisingly seeing at saleema's mouth.

(Scene 4)

He was now thinking that death was all around him. O life, your and my journey were just that.

But one thought gives him a hope that if they had to kill me, they would have killed me first, why they kept me alive, they must have kept some way, they are just testing me. Just as god tests man, surrounded him by difficulties, spreading darkness everywhere, God sees whether my servant hopes for light or not, Trusts me or not. He further thought, when I have to die, why don't I try to survive? why don't I fight till the end? How long will I resort to this excuse that if I did this it will happen, if I do that it would happen.No more if. "If" weakens decisions, confuses man.

Suddenly the voice comes From Speaker again."Young man, if you want, you can go. You will be set free. If you stop, a great and holy goal will be your destiny. But to stop, you have to pass this test."

As soon as he heard the name of the holy goal, Yasir remembered his questions and decided that he would die only after examining this holy goal.

(Scene 5)

When Khalid asked the question, everyone turned to Khalid.

Khalid, my name is Sajid, and now I will tell you briefly about our goal, our goal is human freedom From Customs and rituals, religion, and so on. But it is only possible when we liberate the whole society from religion and customs So that we can live a modern and better life, we can do whatever we want without any restrictions. So let's first understand what religion is.

The words religion, sharia, and tariqah mean "path".In Sanskrit, the word "Dharm" is derived from Dhar meaning "to keep".
The term Dharm refers to the path, justice, or good morals. It is derived from the Arabic word “ذ-ھ-ب” (z-ha-b), which means to go (walk) or pass.

According to my personal opinion "Religion is a strong trap of human thought in which, after being trapped, human life either suffers hell or becomes heaven, and every human being in this world is either helly or heavenly." (Taimoor Ajmal).

Scholars have defined religion from their point of view. Here are some of the ones which I found to be interesting:

Religion is based on the belief that there is harmony between us and the universe. (Macte Gart)

Religion is the belief that the universe is meaningful (Welsis)

Religion is the name of a set of restrictions (Salomon Reinach).

Religion is the name of the effort that man makes to reconcile with his loneliness (Whitehead)

Religion is the name given to the heart of the supernatural beings or forces that occupy human life according to the clergy (Fraser).

Religion is the name of perfect need and dependence. (Shliar Makhr)

Religion is the creation of the terror of ancient man (Lacris)

Religion is the metaphysics that came through experience (Spingler)

Religion is an attempt to connect the desires and aspirations of the human mind with external forces that do not care about it at all (Hartmann).

Religion is akin to psychological imbalance (Fried)

Religion is our sense of superiority over human destiny (Marley)

Religion seeks to reconcile ancient customs with rational and scientific thought and to provide a solid rationale basis for meaningless action (unknown)

Religion is opium for the people (Karl Marx)

Fear of invisible forces is a superstition in the individual and religion in the collective (Hobbes)

(To be continued...)


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